Noserider Fins

The pairing of a traditional longboard and a True Ames noserider fin will provide classic lines and long, stable noserides. Our offering of noserider fins spans from high area designs aimed at optimizing stability on the nose, to relatively moderate area designs that aim to find a balance between tip time and flowing turns. Here are a few guidelines for selecting a noserider design:

Greater fin area generally means more stability on the nose, while lesser fin area generally means more free-flowing lines and maneuvers.
A noserider fin with a more “upright” stature will tend to pivot through turns and turn from the tail, while a fin with a more “swept back” stature (i.e. more rake) will tend to carve through wider turns.
Finding the right amount of area can be accomplished by choosing between different fin templates, or by choosing different sizes from within the same template.




9'- 9'3" 9"- 9.75"
9'4"- 9'6" 9.5"- 10"
9'6"- 10' 9.75"- 10.75
10' + 10.5"- 10.75"

*Sizes in chart are guidelines that should be viewed as generally effective starting points. Optimal fin size varies with many factors including rider weight/height, wave size/power, board design, style of surfing, etc.

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